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Astrological Chart of the Week
Christopher Warnock, Esq.
Astrological Chart of the Week
For the Week of January 20-26, 2003

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Second Face of Leo
Image for the

Second Face of Leo


Book Two,
Chapter Eleven of


I again feature one of their images as this week's chart of the week. The faces or decans are 10 degree subdivisions of the signs. There are two methods of determining their planetary rulership. The first, commonly used in traditional horary, electional and natal astrology uses the Chaldean Order of the planets, beginning with Mars ruling the first face of Aries. Thus the second face of Aries is ruled by the Sun and the third by Venus. The first face of Taurus is thus ruled by Mercury and so on throughout the rest of the Zodiac.
The other method makes the ruler of the first decan of a sign the planet that rules the sign. The next decan is ruled by the ruler of the next sign in the triplicity of the sign. Thus the first decan of Aries is ruled by Mars. Since Aries is a fire sign, the next fire sign is Leo and thus the second decan of Aries is ruled by the Sun. The next fire sign is Sagittarius and thus the third decan of Aries is ruled by Jupiter. Here is a listing of the decan lords under both systems.
The faces are very ancient and from their earliest use they have been associated with particular gods and spirits and their images. This images have also long been used in astrological magic.
The image descriptions for this week's talisman comes Picatrix, an encyclopedic work of medieval Arabic astral magic. We are fortunate to have the new English translation from Arabic of the Picatrix from Ouroboros Press which we can compare to the Latin Picatrix edited by David Pingree which is available from the Warburg Institute.
We turn to page 145 of the Ouroboros translation of Book Two, Chapter Eleven of Picatrix.

The Faces of Leo

Fresco of the Months
The image of a man wearing a wreath made of white basil on his head and holding an arrow in his hand appears in the second [face]. This is the [face] of Jupiter and it indicates heresy, ignorance, perplexity, idleness of idiots, pulling out swords and fighting.
Here is the corresponding talisman from the Latin Picatrix

Et ascendit in secunda facie Leonis vir in suo capite coronam albi myrti habens et in eius manu balistam. Et hec facies est pulchritudinis, equitandi et ascendendi hominis nescii et vilis; et est facies belli et ensium nudorum. Et hec est eius forma.

There ascends in the second face of Leo [the image of] a man with a crown of white myrtle on his head and in his hand an [arrow]. And this is a face of beauty, of a man ignorant and common who will mount and ride [a horse], and this is a face of war and bared swords. And this is its form.

Translation by Christopher Warnock, Esq.

Here is the corresponding talisman from Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy

Of the Images of the Faces

In the second [face of Leo] ascendeth an image with hands lifted up, and a man on whose head is a Crown; he hath the appearance of an angry man, and one that threatneth, having in his right hand a Sword drawn out of the scabbard, & in his left a buckler; it hath signification upon hidden contentions, and unknown victories, & upon base men, and upon the occasions of quarrels and battels:

Book II, Chapter 37.

Chart produced by Solar Fire 5
The Picatrix gives instructions for making talismans of the faces at Book II, Chapter 11,

"Accordingly make the images of the faces when their rulers are present in them as this will perfect their effects in the World. And if by chance the Sun is rising in the hour of the planet or [is in aspect] the work will be stable and strong.

Translation by Christopher Warnock, Esq.
The election for this talisman is January 23, 2003 at 7:28 am EST (+5) for Cleveland Park, a neighborhood of Washington, D.C., 38 N 56, 77 W 03. Jupiter is at 14 Leo, the second face of Leo, which it rules. It is the day and planetary hour of Jupiter. The Sun rises. The only problem is that Jupiter is retrograde.
At the top of the page is the image of the second face of Leo from the frescoes of the months in the Palazzo Schifanoia at Ferrara. It would be an appropriate image for the decan talisman.
Here is further information on Astrological Talismans and Astrological Magic. If you wish to delve even deeper into this fascinating area I offer an Mansions of the Moon Mini-Course and a Astrological Magic Full Course as well as a traditional astrology and astrological magic discussion group Spiritus Mundi.


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Copyright 2003 Christopher Warnock, All Rights Reserved.