Renaissance Astrology offers Cafe Press posters by Robert Place and the artist and mage Nigel Jackson. These posters are not made at astrologically auspicious times and are images are inspired by authentic, traditional astrological magic texts like Cornelius Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy and Picatrix. See the complete series of astrological magic images below, and order through the links provided. Final ordering, payment and order fulfillment are provided by Cafe Press. POSTERS Triple Tree of Wealth Poster 7th Mansion All Good Things Poster Moon Poster Saturn Poster 13th Mansion Sex & Love Poster Love & Wealth Poster Hermes Trismegistus Poster Winged Venus Poster Ram Headed Jupiter Poster Procyon Poster Wealth Talisman Poster Mercury in Virgo Poster POSTERSTRIPLE TREE OF WEALTH A beautiful astrological talisman image created by the visionary artist Robert Place. This image was used to create a Picatrix house talisman for great wealth and success. This image depicts a scribe counting money. Behind him is a flask emblazoned with a special symbol of infinite money. In the background is a tree covered with gold and silver coins, inscribed with the symbols of Venus, Mars and the Moon, the planets used for the special house based talisman.
Poster is 11 inches x 17 inches and just $9.99 plus shipping. Click the order button to order via Cafe Press! 7th MANSION WEALTH & "ALL GOOD THINGS" A beautiful astrological talisman image created by the visionary artist Robert Place of the image of the seventh Mansion of the Moon from Picatrix, "The seventh Mansion is Aldira and is for the acquisition of all good things...the image of a man clothed in robes and with his hands extended to heaven in the manner of a man who is praying and supplicating" Picatrix, Bk IV, chapter 9. We can see the 7th Mansion image, shown above to right, which follows the Picatrix image, including the names of the Mansion lords, Scheliel and Sha'lika, and expands on it with a beautiful image of a Japanese Soto Zen monk. The monk stands in gassho, the anjali mudra, which expresses respect, unifies all polarities and expresses the One Mind, the total unity of Being. The monk is depicted in front of the Ginkaku-ji, the "Temple of the Silver Pavilion, a famous Zen temple in Kyoto, Japan. In the sky are the stars of the constellation Gemini, where the 7th Mansion is located.
Poster is 11 inches x 17 inches and just $9.99 plus shipping. Click the order button to order via Cafe Press! Mysterious astrological talisman image of the Moon the ruler of visions, safety, travel, birth,life and death from Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy: "They made another Image of the Moon...the figure of which was a woman cornuted, riding on a Bull, or a Dragon with seven heads, or a Crab; and she hath in her right hand a dart, in her left a looking glass, clothed in white or green, and having on her head two Serpents with horns twined together, and to each arm a Serpent twined about, and to each foot one in like manner." Three Books of Occult Philosophy Bk II, ch. 44
Poster is 11 inches x 17 inches and just $9.99 plus shipping. Click the order button to order via Cafe Press! Entrancing astrological talisman image of Saturn the ruler of esoteric wisdom from Picatrix: "The image of Saturn according to the opinion of the sage Picatrix is the form of a man with the face of a [crow or stag] and the feet of a camel, sitting on a throne. In his right hand he has a spear and in his left hand a lance or dart. This is its form..." "The image of Saturn according to the opinion of other wise men is the form of a man standing on a dragon. In his right hand he has a scythe and in his left hand he has a spear, and he is wearing black garments. This is its form." Picatrix Bk II, ch. 10 (Translation by Christopher Warnock, Esq.)
Poster is 11 inches x 17 inches and just $9.99 plus shipping. Click the order button to order via Cafe Press! Sensuously beautiful astrological talisman image of the 13th Mansion of the Moon for sex and love from Picatrix: The thirteenth Mansion is Alahue, and it is for the liberation of men who are not able to come to women and for the creation of love between men and from red wax the image of a man desiring to be in coitus with a woman. From white wax fashion the image of a woman. .If a woman shall carry these images with her, she will be most strongly desired by the man whose name is upon the image - which is to say, when he sees her. And if another is tied or bound , who is not able to perform with women, if he shall carry the images with him [the binding] shall be dissolved and he will be able to perform with women. Picatrix Bk IV, ch. 9
Poster is 11 inches x 17 inches and just $9.99 plus shipping. Click the order button to order via Cafe Press! Gorgeous astrological talisman image by the artist and mage Nigel Jackson from Thabit Ibn Qurra's De Imaginibus: " the lord of the house of wealth [2nd] joined to the lord of the ascendant, and have reception between them and let there be a conjunction or trine or sextile aspect... And make fortunate the Ascendant and his lord and beware that the lord of the Ascendant is not retrograde or combust or cadent and not in the house opposed to its house which is the seventh and not impeded by a strong and angular malefic and make fortunate the Ascendant and the lord of the house of substance and the Moon. When you finish the image according to these [instructions] it will serve you... And this is an example: if you wish to make an image to make a wife [feel love] towards her husband, make the significator of the 7th house aspecting the lord of the ascendant." , De Imaginibus Ch. III & VII
Poster is 11 inches x 17 inches and just $9.99 plus shipping. Click the order button to order via Cafe Press! HERMES TRISMEGISTUS A stunning image of Hermes Trismegistus the sage and founder of Hermeticism by Nigel Jackson. This is a very traditional descriptive image of Hermes Trismegistus in Egyptian garb with his distinctive headdress. In his right hand he holds an armillary sphere showing his dominion over astrology, the planets and time. In the left an elaborate caduceus, with two intertwined snakes, surmounted by the sigil of Mercury. He is flanked by the Sun and Moon, and by the pyramids and alchemical vessels, plus the opening lines of the Emerald Tablet "As Above, so Below".
Poster is 11 inches x 17 inches and just $9.99 plus shipping. Click the order button to order via Cafe Press! A beautiful image of Venus the goddess of Love from Picatrix: From the form of Venus make the image of a seated woman with wings with her hair braided behind [her back] with two braids with two boys in her lap, in the hour of Venus, when she is exalted, in the stone almehe [quartz?], and he who carries this stone will not suffer loss or injury. Picatrix Bk II, ch. 10 (Translation by Christopher Warnock, Esq.)
Poster is 11 inches x 17 inches and just $9.99 plus shipping. Click the order button to order via Cafe Press! A beautiful image of Jupiter the planet of prosperity, good fortune and justice from Cornelius Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy. They made also another Image of Jupiter for a religious and glorious life, and advancement of fortune; whose figure was a man having the head of a Lyon, or a Ram, and Eagles feet, cloathed in Saffron coloured cloathes, and he was called the son of Jupiter. Three Books of Occult Philosophy Bk II, ch. 39
Poster is 11 inches x 17 inches and just $9.99 plus shipping. Click the order button to order via Cafe Press! A beautiful image of the fixed star Procyon from Cornelius Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy. Agrippa says that, "Under the Lesser Dog Star [Procyon] they made the image of a cock or of three little maids; it conferreth the favour of the gods, of spirits, and men, it giveth power against witchcrafts, and preserveth health." Three Books of Occult Philosophy Bk II, ch. 47
Poster is 11 inches x 17 inches and just $9.99 plus shipping. Click the order button to order via Cafe Press! A stunning image, created by Nigel Jackson for a wealth and prosperity talisman. Picatrix gives us the framework for this fascinating talisman: An image to increase sales and profits. Fashion images, and make fortunate the Ascendant and the Tenth house and their lords, and the lord of the house of the lord of the Ascendant, and the lord of the house of the lord of the Tenth, the Moon and the lord of its house, as well as the Second house and its lord, and place the lord of the Second house in reception with the lord of the Ascendant by trine or sextile aspect, and place a fortune in the Second house, and place the Part of Fortune in the Ascendant or the Tenth house, and have the Lord of the Part of Fortune aspecting it with a good aspect. And when this image has thus been made, carry it with you, and hide it secretly so that none might see it, and you shall gain money in great quantities and have good fortune in all your undertakings. Picatrix Bk I ch. 5.
Poster is 11 inches x 17 inches and just $9.99 plus shipping. Click the order button to order via Cafe Press! A mysterious image of Mercury in Virgo, created by Nigel Jackson from Picatrix which gives us the descriptions for this elusive talisman: "The form of Mercury, according to the opinion of another wise man, is the form of a baron wearing a crown, riding on a peacock, in his right hand a reed pen and in his left hand a [sheet of paper/book] and his clothes are many colors mixed. And this is its form." Picatrix Bk II, ch. 10. (Translation by Christopher Warnock, Esq.)
Poster is 11 inches x 17 inches and just $9.99 plus shipping. Click the order button to order via Cafe Press! HOME Please Contact me with any Questions & Comments Specializing in Horary Astrology, Electional Astrology Astrological Magic and Astrological Talismans. Copyright 2007, Christopher Warnock, All Rights Reserved. |