Renaissance Astrology
Christopher Warnock, Esq.
Wealth Talisman Workshop
November 30 & December 1, 2007

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Renaissance Illuminated Manuscript
Chris Warnock & William Stickevers
The wealth talisman workshop to, "...gain money in great quantities and have good fortune in all your undertakings." took place on November 30 & December 1, 2007 and was lead by Christopher Warnock and William Stickevers.
Christopher Warnock is the leading practitioner of astrological magic and a master traditional astrologer as well as being a teacher, an author and a publisher of books on astrology and talismanic magic. William Stickevers is also a professional astrologer and highly experienced astrological magician.
Talismans were cast using this election. Check their availability here.

November 30 & December 1, 2007:
Wealth Talisman Workshop

Wealth Talisman Chart & Election

November 30 & December 1, 2007
Wealth Talisman Workshop


Hermes Trismegistus
ermeticism, the spiritual and practical teachings attributed to the ancient sage Hermes Trismegistus constitutue a hidden stream of esoteric wisdom that has been of continuing influence and importance in Western civilization. The Hermetic principle that the Cosmos is one great unified being connected by chains of spiritual sympathy and correspondence is given practical application in astrology for prediction and in astrological magic by the creation of talismans.
Conference attendees had a very unusual opportunity to make a house based talisman from Picatrix the premier grimoire of astrological magic. The astrological conditions appropriate for making this talisman are very rare and this particular election is, of course, unique. Conference attendees will also have the advantage of using group ritual which further enhances the power of the talisman. All necessary materials, including a special workshop talisman manual, will be provided.
The workshop began at 7 pm on Friday, November 30, 2007 with introductory lectures on Hermeticism and astrological magic. Beginning at 9 am on Saturday, December 1, 2007, participants began the practical, hands on portion of the workshop, created their talismans and participated in group ritual culminating with the ritual consecration of their wealth talismans at 1 pm.



reating a rare house based wealth talisman in the company of other astrological magicians and traditional astrologers was an unusual opportunity Picatrix gave us the framework for this fascinating talisman:

An image to increase sales and profits. Fashion images, and make fortunate the Ascendant and the Tenth house and their lords, and the lord of the house of the lord of the Ascendant, and the lord of the house of the lord of the Tenth, the Moon and the lord of its house, as well as the Second house and its lord, and place the lord of the Second house in reception with the lord of the Ascendant by trine or sextile aspect, and place a fortune in the Second house, and place the Part of Fortune in the Ascendant or the Tenth house, and have the Lord of the Part of Fortune aspecting it with a good aspect. And when this image has thus been made, carry it with you, and hide it secretly so that none might see it, and you shall gain money in great quantities and have good fortune in all your undertakings.

Picatrix Bk I ch. 5.
This is a complex and difficult talisman. While our typical planetary talisman might have 4 or 5 requirements, this one has 15! Let's take a look at the chart for New York City.

Chart produced by Solar Fire 5

Ok, let's look at the chart and the requirements set out for the election by Picatrix. First The Ascendant and 10th house are unafflicted. The Ascendant and the 10th house are both ruled by Jupiter, the Greater Benefic, who is highly dignified by sign and conjunct the 10th house cusp. The lord of the house of the lord of the Ascendant is Jupiter and the lord of the house of the lord of the 10th is also Jupiter. The Moon is peregrine, but otherwise unafflicted. The lord of the 2nd house is Venus, the Lesser Benefic, who is well dignified by sign and she is applying to sextile Jupiter, lord of the Ascendant. The Part of Fortune is right on the 10th house cusp and the lord of the Part of Fortune is Jupiter and Jupiter is conjunct the Part of Fortune. Wow, what a great election!

Height of Consecration



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Specializing in Horary Astrology, Electional Astrology Astrological Magic and Astrological Talismans.

Copyright 2007, Christopher Warnock, All Rights Reserved.