Horary Astrology
Christopher Warnock, Esq.
Should I Stay or Should I Move?
Astrology of Moving & Relocation

Horary Astrology
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Should I Stay or Should I Move?
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Moving can be both stressful and exhilarating. Knowing when to stay and when to move can save stress, time and money.
H orary astrology, which answers questions by using a chart of the position of the heavens at the time the question was asked, can be a useful way to get an objective indication of the pros and cons of a prospective move.

Judging Relocation and Moving Horary Questions
How to Ask "Should I Stay or Should I Move?"
What Does A Horary Relationship Analysis Consist Of?

Judging Relocation and Moving Horary Questions


Renaissance Journey
One feature of horary astrology that often surprises clients is that it does not require the birth charts of the people involved. This is useful as many people do not know their own time of birth let alone the exact time that their significant other was born. When we judge a horary question we examine the position of the stars and planets at the time of a serious question, which because of the perfect order and sympathy of the Cosmos, will provide the answer.
When you ask a moving question you can ask, "Should I stay or move?" and the analysis will be able to give a specific and precise breakdown comparing staying where you are with moving in general. However, if you ask the question as "Should I move?" in general, the analysis will not be able to say specifically where you might move.
You can ask, "Should I move to Seattle?" giving just one option as a potential location and get a very specific and precise take on moving to that particular place. You cannot ask, "Should I move to Seattle or San Jose?" or "Should I move to Chicago, Los Angeles or New York?" because there is more than one option for the place to move to. Too many variables makes the question impossible to judge precisely.
One way to work, if you have several possible places to move, is to ask several horary questions. Start with the most desired or most viable option, then wait a day or so and ask the second, then wait a day and ask the third, and so on. While these separate questions need to be paid for separately you can get a reduced rate on horary questions if you order three at once. Please Contact me if you need assistance with your question(s).
The first thing we look for when judging a horary question about moving are the significators of the querent (person asking the question) which is the first house and its ruler, the current location, signified by the fourth house and its ruler and the potential location, signified by the seventh house and its ruler.
By examining the strength or weakness, the placement and the aspects of the significators we can see the Cosmic drama that reflects the events taking place here on Earth. For example, a strong seventh house and ruler signifies an auspicious move, while a weak one advises against it.
Getting a horary analysis is like knowing the direction and strength of a river current. One can choose to fight the current and try to paddle upstream, sit back and let the current take you or paddle actively in the direction of the current.
You can see examples of a an actual moving and relocation question, my reading, an astrological chart of the question and the results at Should I Move? Example.

How to Ask "Should I Stay or Should I Move?"


To ask "Should I Stay or Should I Move?" first order on the Payment Page then Contact by phone or e-mail and send me your question. It is also useful to know something about the background of the situation. Full payment must be received before I can do the analysis. I will use a chart of the time that I receive and understand the question to answer your moving question.

What Does A Horary Analysis Consist Of?


As soon as your payment is received I will begin working on a detailed one to two page written reading answering your question, along with all relevant astrological information. I will not provide further astrological information beyond what is given in the initial analysis.
Each question receives my personal attention as Renaissance astrology is too complex to be produced by a computer program. I am also available for further discussion of your question via e-mail or phone after you receive your written analysis.


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Specializing in Horary Astrology, Electional Astrology Astrological Magic and Astrological Talismans.

Copyright 2008-2013, Christopher Warnock, All Rights Reserved.