Astrological Geomancy

Copyright 2005 Nigel Jackson

Astrological Geomancy
Lectura Geomantiae
Agrippa: On Geomancy
Geomancy Mini-Course
Astrological Geomancy
Geomanticon: Geomancy Software
Geomancy Software
Geomanticon Instructions
Astrology and Magic Books
Geomancer's Handbook
by John Michael Greer

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Geomancy is to know and understand...all things uncertain, Present, Past, and To Come,
And upon them to give counsel and take counsel in the examining of the figure...

Christopher Cattan

Introduction to Astrological Geomancy

The 16 Geomantic Figures

Asking the Question & Generating the Mothers

The Geomantic Shield & 12 Houses

Delineation & Traditional Geomancy Texts

Astrological Geomancy Mini-Course & Geomancy Software

John Michael Greer-Geomancy Books

Geomancy Resources

Introduction to Astrological Geomancy


Astrological geomancy is an ancient method of divination. The word geomancy means earth divination and is believed to have come from the use of sand to generate the geomantic figures, the basis of prediction in geomancy. This also accounts for its Arabic name, ilm al-raml, literally the science or wisdom of the sand.
In the modern era the ancient art of divinatory geomancy has been confused with Chinese feng shui which is not a method of divination, but a science of spatial arrangement, architecture and landscaping. Divinatory geomancy has also had its name appropriated by the modern New Age study of ley lines and earth "energies" which are also not techniques of divination.
Contemporary practitioners of the traditional Western art of geomancy have taken to referring to it as divinatory or astrological geomancy to differentiate it from these more modern uses of the term. Astrological geomancy is a particularly appropriate term as much of the divinatory methodology used in geomancy comes from traditional astrology.
The origins of geomancy are shrouded in mystery, but the first manuscripts describing the practice appear in the 9th century AD in the advanced Islamic civilization of the Middle East. From there it spread to Europe in the 11th and 12th centuries as part of the reception of many arts and sciences, including the occult arts of astrology, alchemy and magic by the rapidly civilizing West. Known in Arabic as ilm al-raml, literally the science or wisdom of the sand, geomancy became quite popular as a divinatory technique because of its ease of learning and use. Here is an interesting article in pdf form by the Dutch academic Wim van Binsbergen on the Astrological Origin of Islamic Geomancy. Because of its close connection to astrology, geomancy has been called "the Daughter of Astrology" and known as terrestial astrology.

The 16 Geomantic Figures


Geomantic Figures
16 Geomantic Figures
The basis of geomancy is the 16 geomantic figures, composed of 4 rows of either one or two points. Thus geomancy is similar to the Chinese divinatory system of the I Ching with its 64 hexagrams as well as Ifa divination with its 256 odu or parts, as each of these is a a binary system based on the powers of 2. In geomancy each figure has its own distinct meaning. The combinations and interactions of the geomantic figures for a particular question allows the geomancer to see the underlying pattern of a particular situation and thus to see the past and present as well as predict the future.
Each of the figures has a name and its own distinct personality. The combinations of the figures and their interactions are like a mirror reflecting the events or question that the geomancer has been asked about.
Here are the 16 Geomantic figures and their Latin and English names and their planetary rulerships.
  • Carcer, Prison, Saturn
  • Tristitia, Sadness, Saturn
  • Acquisitio, Gain, Jupiter
  • Laetitia, Joy, Jupiter
  • Puer, Boy, Mars
  • Rubeus, Red, Mars
  • Fortuna Major, Greater Fortune, Sun
  • Fortuna Minor, Lesser Fortune, Sun
  • Puella, Girl, Venus
  • Amissio, Loss, Venus
  • Conjunctio, Union, Mercury
  • Albus, White, Mercury
  • Via, Way, Moon
  • Populus, People, Moon

Asking the Question & Generating the Mothers


Geomantic Shield
Geomantic Shield
The first thing to do is to formulate the question that you wish to answer by geomancy. The best type of question is one that can be answered yes or no, these questions will result in a more precise answer. The vaguer and more abstract the question, the vaguer and more abstract the answer. The question needs to be one that you or the person asking the question, known as the querent, is personally involved with. The more serious the question, the more accurate the answer. Asking frivolous questions or questions like, "Will Madonna get divorced?" unless you are Madonna, will result in inaccurate predictions.
Once you have formulated the question, then it is time to generate the initial geomantic figures, known as the Mothers and then to calculate the rest of the figures. This process can done manually or you can get a copy of Geomanticon, the astrological geomancy software, which comes free with the Astrological Geomancy Mini-Course, and have the process done easily and instantaneously for you.

The Geomantic Shield & 12 Houses


12 Houses
The 12 Houses
Once the geomantic figures are generated they are placed in the geomantic shield and in the 12 astrological houses. The figures are placed in the houses by putting the 1st Mother in the 1st house, 2nd Mother in the 2nd house and so on.
The houses are derived from traditional astrology. Their basic meaning is as follows:
  1. Querent (person asking the question)
  2. Money, moveable property
  3. Siblings, neighbors, short trips
  4. Father, home, real estate
  5. Children, pleasure, gambling
  6. Illness, servants, small animals
  7. Marriage, romance, partners, open enemies
  8. Death, inheritance
  9. Higher education, long trips, spirituality
  10. Career, government, reputation
  11. Friends
  12. Curses, secret enemies, imprisonment
You can find more detailed explanation by the master traditional astrologer William Lilly at the houses in Renaissance astrology and by the Arabic astrologer Al-Biruni at Al-Biruni on the houses.

Delineation & Traditional Geomancy Texts


Having placed the figures for our question in the geomantic shield and houses we are ready to begin the process of delineation. One useful method is to look at the meaning of the figures in the house that signifies the querent (person asking the question) which is always the first house and then look at the meaning of the figure in the house that signifies the quesited (the thing or person asked about).
At this point, in order to master the delineation of geomantic charts it is necessary to consult our traditional sources. You can take a look at what the 16th century mage and geomancer Cornelius Agrippa says about the meaning of the figures in particular house in his On Geomancy. Here is a portion of the very interesting Hermetic text Lectura Geomantiae "Geomantic Lecture".
The Astrological Geomancy Mini-Course includes four traditional texts of geomancy: Cornelius Agrippa's On Geomancy, John Heydon's Theomagia, John Case's Angelic Guide and Christopher Cattan's Geomancy.

Astrological Geomancy Mini-Course & Geomancy Software


Another extremely useful resource for delineation is the Astrological Geomancy Mini-Course. The Mini-Course is a complete introduction to astrological geomancy, a quick, easy and accurate method of answering questions. The mini-course explains how to ask questions, generate the figures, and most importantly, how to interpret the figures for a particular question. A variety of techniques, including the aspects, and modes of perfection are fully explicated.
The Astrological Geomancy Mini Course includes four traditional geomancy texts, Cornelius Agrippa's On Geomancy, John Heydon's Theomagia, John Case's Angelic Guide and Christopher Cattan's Geomancy.
The Astrological Geomancy Mini Course also includes Geomanticon, easy to use geomancy software for Windows 95, 98, Me and XP, that quickly calculates the geomantic figures, places them in the geomantic shield and astrological house charts and gives aspects, interpretations and a wealth of useful information for divination.

John Michael Greer-Books


Art & Practice of Geomancy
Order at Amazon!
I also highly recommend the Geomancer's Handbook by John Michael Greer. A student of the Hermetic arts and the leading contemporary geomancer, Greer has a wealth of knowledge and insight on geomancy that he lays out clearly and succintly in the Geomancer's Handbook. A great introduction and complete guide to this ancient divinatory art, the book allows the practitioner to quickly and easily being making accurate and precision geomantic readings.
Also excellent Greer's Art and Practice of Geomancy, The: Divination, Magic, and Earth Wisdom of the Renaissance which gives a full explanation of the theory and practice of geomancy, including the geomantic figures, casting a geomantic chart, interpreting the geomantic shield and house chart as well as geomantic meditation and magic.

Further Geomancy Resources


There are number of useful websites on geomancy, including:


Renaissance Astrology Home Page

Please Contact me with any Questions or Comments.

Specializing in Horary Astrology, Electional Astrology Astrological Magic and Astrological Talismans.

Copyright 2006, Christopher Warnock, All Rights Reserved.