Christopher Warnock, Esq.
The Twelve Houses in Renaissance Astrology
There is nothing appertaining to the life of Man
in this World which in one way or another hath not relation to one of the
Twelve Houses of Heaven...
William Lilly,
Christian Astrology
from William Lilly's Christian Astrology
(1st ed. 1647)
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The whole spheare of Heaven is divided into four
equal parts by the Meridian and Horizon, and again into four quadrants,
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and every Quadrant again into three parts, according to other Circles drawn by points of
Sections of the aforesaid Meridian and Horizon; so the whole Heaven is divided into
twelve equall parts, which the Astrologers call Houses or Mansions,
taking their beginning from the East.
The first Quadrant [Eastern]
is described from
the East to the Midheaven, or from
the line of the first house to the line of the tenth house, and contains the twelfth,
eleventh and tenth houses, it's called the Orientiall, Vernall, Masculine, Sanguine,
Infant quarter.
The second Quadrant [Southern]
is from the
Cusp of the Mid-heaven to the cusp of the seventh
house, containing the ninth, eighth and seventh houses, and is called the Meridian,
Estivall, Feminine, Youthfull, Cholerick quarter.
The third Quadrant [Western]
is from the
cusp of the seventh house to the cusp of the
fourth house, and contains the sixth, fifth and fourth houses, is called the
Occidentall, Autumnall, Masculine, Melanchollique, Manhood, cold and dry.
The fourth Quadrant [Northern]
is from the
cusp of the fourth to the cusp of the first
house, and contains the third, second and first house, is Northern, Feminine,
Old Age, of the nature of Winter, Phlegmatique.
The first, tenth, seventh and
fourth houses hereof are called Angles, the eleventh,
second, eighth & fifth are called Succedants, the third, twelfth,
ninth and sixth, are termed Cadents. The Angles are most powerfull,
the Succedants are next in vertue,
the Cadents poor, and of little efficacy: the Succedant houses follow the Angles, the
Cadents come next the Succedants; in force and vertue they stand so in order:
1, 10, 7, 4, 11, 5, 9, 3, 2, 8, 6, 12
The meaning whereof is this, that two Planets
equally dignified,
the one in the Ascendant, the other in the tenth house, you shall
judge the Planet in the Ascendant somewhat of more power to effect what
he is Significator of, then he that is in the tenth: doe so in the rest as
they stand in order, remembering that Planets in Angles doe more forcibly shew
their effects.
When we name the Lord of the Ascendant, or
Significator of the
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Querent or thing quesited, we mean no other thing than that Planet who is
Lord of that Sign which ascends, or Lord of that Sign from which house the
thing demanded is required; as if from the seventh house, the Lord of the
sign descending in the cusp is Significator, and so in the rest...
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As before we have said there are twelve signs,
and also twelve
Houses of Heaven, so now we are come to relate the nature of these twelve Houses; the
exact knowledge whereof is so requisite, that he who shall learn the nature of the
Planets and Signs without exact judgment of the Houses, is like an improvident man,
that furnisheth with variety of household stuffe, having no place wherein to bestow them.
There is nothing appertaining to the life of man in
this world, which in one way or
other hath not relation to one of the twelve Houses of Heaven, and as the twelve
signs are appropriate to the particular members of mans body; so also doe the
twelve houses represent not onely the severall parts of man, but his actions,
quality of life and living, and the curiosity and judgment of our Fore-fathers
in Astrology, was such, as they have alotted to every house a particular signification,
and so distinguished humane accidents throughout the twelve houses, as he that
understands the Questions appertaining to each of them, shall not want sufficient
grounds whereon to judge or give a rationall answer upon any contingent accident,
and successe thereof.
The first house, which containeth all that
part of Heaven from the line where the
figure one standeth, until the figure two, where the second house beginneth.
It hath signification of the life of man, of the stature, colour, complexion, form
and shape of him that propounds the Question, or is born; in Eclipses and great
Conjunctions, and upon the Sun his annuall ingresse into Aries; it signifieth the
common people, or generall State of that Kingdom where the
Figure is erected.
And as it is the first house, it represents the
head and face of man, so that
if either Saturn, Mars or South Node be in this House, either at the time of
the Question, or at the time of birth, you shall observe some blemish in the
face, or in that
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member appropriate to the signe that then is upon the cusp of the house; as if Aries
be in the Ascendant, the mark, mole, or scarre is without faile in the head or face;
and if few degrees of the signe ascend, the mark is in the upper part of the head; if
the middle of the sign be on the cusp, the mole, mark or scar is in the middle of the
face, or neer it; if the later degrees ascend, the face is blemished neer the chin,
towards the neck:
This I have found true in hundreds of examples.
Of colors, it hath the White; that is, if a Planets be in this house that hath
signification of white, the complexion of the Party is more pale, white "and wan;
or if you enquire after the colour of the cloathe of any man, if his significator
be in the first house, and in a sign corresponding, the parties apparell is white
or gray, or somewhat neer that colour, so also if the Question be for cattle, when
their significators are found in this house, it denotes them to be of that colour
or neer it:
The house is Masculine.
The Cosignificators of this house are Aries and Saturn; for as this house is the
first house, so is Aries the first signe, and Saturn the first of the Planets,
and therefore when Saturn is but moderately well fortified, in this house, and
in any benevolent aspect of Jupiter, Venus, Sun or Moon, it promiseth a good sober
constitution of body, and usually long life:
Mercury doth also joy in this house,
because it represents the Head, and he the Tongue, Fancy and Memory: when he is
well dignified and posited
in this house, he produceth good Orators: it is called the Ascendant, because
when the Sun commeth to the cusp of this house, he ascends, or then ariseth,
and is visible in our Horizon.
From this house is required judgment concerning
the estate or fortune of him
that asks the question, or his Wealth or Poverty, of all removeable Goods,
Money lent, of Profit or gaine, losse or damage; in suits of Law, it signifies
a mans Friends or Assistants; in private Duels, the Querents second; in an Eclipse
or Great Conjunction, the poverty or Wealth of the people; the
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Sun his entrance into Aries, it represents the Ammunition, Allies and Support
the Common-wealth shall have; it imports their Magazines.
It represents in man the neck, and hinder parts of it towards the shoulders,
of colours, the green.
So that if one make demand concerning any thing specified
above in this house,
you must look for signification from hence: It's a feminine house and Succedant,
called in some Latin Authors Anaphora.
It hath Cosignificators Jupiter and Taurus; for is Jupiter be placed in this house,
or be Lord hereof, it's an argument of an estate or fortune; Sun and Mars are never
well placed in this house, either of them shew dispersion of substance, according to
the capacity and quality of him that is either born or asks the questions.
Hath signification of Brethern, Sisters, Cozens and
Kindred, Neighbours, small
Journeys, or inland-Journeys, oft removing from one place to another, Epistles,
Letters, Rumours, Messengers: It doth rule the Shoulders, Armes, Hands and Fingers.
Of Colours, it governeth the Red and Yellow, or Croceall, or Sorrell colour: It hath
Cosignificators, of the Signe Gemini, of the Planet Mars; which is one reason why
Mars in this house, unlesse joyned with Saturn is not very unfortunate, it is a
Cadent house, and is the joy of the Moon; for if she be posited therein, especially
in a moveable sing, it's an argument of much travell, trotting and trudging, or of
being seldom quiet: The house is Masculine.
Giveth Judgment of Fathers in generall &
ever of his Father that enquires, or that is
born; of Lands, Houses, Tenements, Inheritances, Tillage of the earth, Treasures
hidden, the determination or end of any thing; Towns, Cities or Castles, besieged
or not besieged; all ancient Dwellings, Gardens, Fields, Pastures, Orchards; the
quality and nature of the grounds one
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purchaseth, whether Vineyards, Cornfielfd, &c. whether the ground be Woody,
Stony or barren.
The Sign of the fourth denoteth the Town,
the Lord thereof, the Governour:
It ruleth the Brest, Lungs.
Of Colours, the Red: It's Cosignificator is Cancer, and of Planets the Sun;
we call it the Angle of the Earth, or Imum Coeli; it is feminine, and the North
Angle: In Nativities or Questions, this fourth house represents Fathers, so doth
the Sun by day and Saturn by night; yet if the Sun be herein placed, he is not
ill, but rather shews the Father to be of a noble disposition, &c.
By this house we judge of Children, of Embassadours,
of the state of a Woman
with child, of Banquets, of Ale-houses, Tavernes, Playes, Messengers or Agents
for Republick; of the wealth of the Father, the Ammunition of a Town beseiged;
if the Woman with child shall bring forth male or female; of the health or
sicknesse of his Son or Daughter that asks the Question.
It ruleth the Stomack, Liver, Heart, Sides and Back,
and is masculine.
Of Colours, Black and White, or Honey-colour, and is a Succedant house;
It's Cosignificators are Leo and Venus, who doth joy in this house, in regard it's
the house of Pleasure, Delight and Merriment; it's wholly unfortunate by Mars or
Saturn, and they therein shew disobedient children and untoward.
It concerneth Men and Mid-servants, Gallislaves,
Hogges, Sheep, Goats, Hares,
Connies, all manner of lesser Cattle, and profit and losse got thereby; Sicknesse,
it's quality and cause, principall humour offending, curable or not curable, whether
the disease be short or long; Day-labourers, Tenants, Farmers, Shepherds, Hogheards,
Neatherds, Warriners; and it signifieth Unkles, or the Fathers Brothers and Sisters.
It ruleth the inferiour part of the Belly, and intestines even to
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the Arse: this house is a Feminine and Cadent house, unfortunate, as having no aspect
to the Ascendant.
Of Colours, black colour, Mars rejoyceth in this house, but his Cosignificator
is of the Signes Virgo, of Planets Mercury; we usually find that Mars and Venus
in Conjunction in this house, are arguments of a good Physitian.
It giveth judgment of Marriage, and describes
the person inquired after, whether it
be Man or Woman, all manner of Love questions, our publique enemies; the Defendant
in a Law-suit, in Warre the opposing party; all quarrels, Duels, Law-suits; in
Astrology the Artist himself; in Physick the Physitian; Theeves ii and Thefts;
the person stealing, whether Man or Woman, Wives, Sweetharts; their shape, description,
condition, Nobly or ignobly born: in an Annuall ingresse, whether Warre or Peace may be
expected: of Victory, who over-comes, and who worsted; Fugitives or run-awayes; Banished
and Out-lawed-men.
It hath cosignificator Libra and Moon, Saturn or Mars
unfortunate herein, shew ill in Marriage.
Of Colour, a dark Blacke colour. It ruleth the Haunches, and the Navill to the
Buttocks; an is called the Angle of the West: and is Masculine.
The Estate of Men deceased, Death,
its quality and nature; the wills,
Legacies and Testaments of Men deceased; Dowry of the Wife, Portion of
the Maid, whether much or little, easie to be obtained or with difficulty.
In Duels it represents the Adversaries Second; in Lawsuits the Defendants
friends. What kinde of Death a Man shall dye., it signifies fear and anguish of
Minde. Who shall enjoy or be heir to the Deceased.
It rules the Privy-Parts. Of colours, the green and Black.
Of Signes it hath Scorpio for Cosignificator, and Saturn, the Hemoroids, the Stone,
Strangury, Poysons, and Bladder are ruled
by this house; and is a succedant House, and Feminine.
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By this House we give judgment of Voyages or long
journies beyond Seas of Religiousmen,
or Clergy of any kinde, whether Bishops or inferiour Ministers; Dreams,
Visions, forraign Countries, of Books, Learning, Church Livings, or Benefices,
Advowsions; of the kindred of ones Wife, & sic e contrario.
Of colours it hath the Green and White.
Of mans body it ruleth the Fundament, the Hippes
and Thighes, Sagittarius and
Jupiter are cosignificators of this House; for if Jupiter be herein placed, it
naturally signifies a devout man in his Religion, or one modestly given;
I have oft observed when the Dragons tayle, or Mars or Saturn have been
infortunately placed in this House; the Querent hath either been little
better then a Atheist or a desperate Sectarist: the Sun rejoyceth to be in this
House, which is Masculine, and Cadent.
Commonly it personateth Kings, Princes,
Dukes, Earles, Judges, prime Officers,
Commanders in chief, whether in Armies or Towns; all sorts of Magistracy and
Officers in Authority, Mothers, Honour, Preferment, Dignity, Office, Lawyers;
the profession or Trade anyone useth; it signifies Kingdoms, Empires, Dukedoms, Countries.
It hath of colours Red and White, and ruleth the knees and Hammes.
Its called the Medium coeli, or Mid-heaven, and is Feminine.
Its cosignificators are Capricorn and Mars; either Jupiter or the Sun doe
much Fortunate this House when they are posited therein, Saturn or South Node
usually deny Honor, as to persons of quality, or but little esteem in the world
to a vulgar person, not much joy in his Profession, Trade or Mystery, is a Mechanick.
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It doth naturally represent Friends and
Friendship, Hope, Trust, Confidence,
the Praise, or Dispraise of anyone; the Fidelity or falsenesse of Friends; as
to Kings it personates their Favourites, Councellours, Servants, their Associates
or Allyes, their Money, Exchequer or Treasure; in Warre their Ammunition and
Souldiery; it represents Courtiers, &c. in a Common-wealth governed by a few of the
Nobles and Commons, it personates their assistance in Councell: as in London the tenth
House represents the Lord Major; the eleventh the Common-councell; the Ascendant the
generality of the Commoners of the said City.
Of members it ruleth the Legs to the Ancles.
Of colours, it ruleth the Saffron or Yellow.
It hath of the Signs Aquarius, and Sun of the Planets, for cosignificators
Jupiter doth especially rejoyce in this House; it's a succedant House, and masculine,
and in vertue is equivalent either to the seventh or fourth Houses.
It hath signification of private Enemies, of Witches,
great Cattle, as Horses,
Oxen, Elephants, &c. Sorrow, Tribulation, Imprisonments, all manner of affliction,
self-undoing, &c. and of such men as maliciously undermine their neighbours, or
inform secretly against them.
It hath cosignificators Pisces and Venus; Saturn
doth joy in that House, For
naturally Saturn is Author of mischief; and it ruleth in Mans body the Feet.
In Colour it presents the Green.
Its a Cadent House, Feminine, and vulgarly sometimes called Cataphora, as
all Cadent Houses may be.
This is the true Character of the severall Houses,
according to the ptolomeian Doctrine, and the experience my self have had for
some yeers: I must confesse the Arabians have made severall other divisions of
the Houses, but I could never in my practise finde any verity in them, wherefore
I say nothing of them.
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Specializing in Horary Astrology,
Electional Astrology
Astrological Magic and
Astrological Talismans.
Copyright 2001, Christopher Warnock, All Rights Reserved.