Christopher Warnock, Esq.
Complete Picatrix
Cloth Bound Crown Quarto Edition

This is the order page for the handmade cloth bound version of the Complete Picatrix, translated from Latin by John Michael Greer & Christopher Warnock.

Picatrix Cover

Cloth bound in black , stamped with special Picatrix planetary sigils, gold leaf stamped leather spine label. Crown Quarto, 10 x 7.5 inches, about 1 inch thick spine.

Picatrix Cover

The clothbound handmade version has 307 pages, handmade perfect binding with double fan, leather head band, sawn channels, heavily lined and tight back. Xerographic black and white printing with Black and white title page, prologue and four large book illustrations, 16 roundel images, all illustrations all by Nigel Jackson. Glossary, bibliography and index. Here are Example Pages.

Picatrix Title Page
Title Page
A complete translation of the four books of Picatrix, most famous astrological grimoire and one of the most important magical books ever written. The handmade cloth bound version is issued in strictly limited planetary series, the first edition will have 9 in the Moon series, 8 in the Mercury series, 7 in the Venus series, 6 in the Sun series, 5 in the Mars series, 16 in the Jupiter series and 9 in the Saturn series. The cloth bound edition can be personalized with your name or another's name. It can be consecrated to the spirit of the planet whose series it is in, on request.

Crown Quarto
US Priority Shipping
Credit Card Orders
Crown Quarto
non-US Shipping
Credit Card Orders
The Complete Picatrix handmade Crown Quarto Clothbound edition pre-order price is $399.95 plus shipping. US priority insured shipping is $19.95, non-US priority insured shipping where available is $49.95. Please note that each country is different and shipping may vary. I will contact you if additional postage is necessary. For secure online ordering by PayPal just click the PayPal icon or by credit card click the credit card button.



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Copyright 2010, Christopher Warnock, All Rights Reserved.
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