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Of the Aspects of the Planets and Signs, their Names, Characters and Natures...

from William Ramesey's Astrologia Restaurata
(London, 1653).

Of the Aspects of the Planets and Signs

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Of the Aspects of the Planets and Signs, their Names, Characters and Natures, and wherefore they were so named and charactered.

Medieval Standard
Many new Aspects there are which we shall here omit, and here treat only of those Aspects of the Planets and signs which are most usual and necessary .And they are thus called and thus charactered, Sextile, Quartile, Trine, and Oppositions: We omit here to speak of Keplers new Aspects, since these are the most necessary in the practise of this study.
There is also a Conjunction thus Charactered which is not properly termed an Aspect, since a Planet is then said to be in Conjunction with another when he is in the self same degree and minute of one and the same sign the other is in, and therefore cannot properly be said to behold or Aspect him, but is in conjunction with him: this conjunction is of nature neither good nor bad, but according to the significators and their dispositions and places is both, viz. sometimes good, and some times bad.
A Sextile is so called, for that it is the sixth part of the Zodiack, and is therefore charactered in this manner with six strokes; it consisteth of 60. deg. in length; as a Planet in the first degree of Aries, beholdeth another in the first degree of Gemini with a sextile Aspect.
Also if a Planet be in the first degree of Aries, he beholdeth another in the fifth degree of Gemini, with a sextile and this is called a Platick Aspect, admitting of the Orbs of the Planets in Aspect; as Saturn in the 15. degree of Aries, and Jupiter in the 23. deg. of Gemini; Jupiter is in a sextile of Saturn by reason he is not fully elongated 9. deg. which the half orb of Saturn and Jupiter maketh, as Saturns half orb being 4.deg. and a half, and Jupiters 4.d. and a half, added together make just nine deg. and here you see them but 8.deg. separated from a Partile aspect, which is when they are both in one and .the same number of degrees and minutes as abovesaid.
The use thereof is only thus; if in any scheme or judgement whatsoever you finde the Significators in a Sextile Platick, you may be confident (if your light or Planet be applying) your business signified by those Significators shall be accomplished when they come to the Partil aspect, especially if the more weighty Planet be retrograde or in reception by house or exaltation with the more light; if they are separating and without reception, the contrary;
Medieval Standard
For by how much they are separated from the Partil aspect, by so much the more unlikely is the business signified by the significators so separating to come to a conclusion; but look when they are fully separated by the mediety of their Orbs, and about that time shall the business by fully broken of, except one of the Significators be just then Stationary, and then immediately apply again for then it hangeth in some suspence, and after awhile beginneth afresh, &c.
But you must note that application by sextile or trine is good, for they are Aspects, of love, amity and Friendship; yet the trine is more forcible and better, for that a Planet in trine with another is out of houses of the one and the same nature, as fire with fire, earth with earth, water with water, and ayr with ayr.
A sextile is by a fiery with an aery, or earthy with watry, and therefore is not altogether so good as a trine, for that these agree not in every point; for fire is hot and dry, ayr hot and moist, agreeing partly, viz. in heat: so likewise earth and water; the earth is cold and dry, the water cold and moist, agreeing in coldness; for which reason a sextile is accounted indifferent good, and so likewise note that a square and opposition are naught, and of enmity and discord, quite contrary to the other, yet the opposition is the worse, &c.
A Quartile is so called, for that it is the fourth part of the Zodiack, and is charactered four square ; it consisteth of 90 deg. in length, and four times 90.deg. is 360.deg. you must know a Partil and Platick square by the same rule you know a sextile,

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and so of all the rest, viz. trine and opposition.
Medieval Standard
But note that a business brought to pass by the square or opposition of the significators, causeth much discontent and sadness, so that the business had better never been done, &c.
A Trine is the third part of the Zodiack; and is therefore charactered three square and triangled; consisting of 120.deg. and three times 120.deg. maketh just 360.deg.
An Opposition, is that aspect which divideth the Zodiack in two equal parts, and is therefore charactered with a line between two round o's intimating the direct opposition of the Orbs of two Planets; and it consisteth of 180.deg. &c.
There is also an aspect which the Ancients called Dexter and Sinister; a Dexter aspect is contrary to the succession of the signs; a Sinister is according to the succession of the signs; as a Planet in Aries beholding another in Leo, is a trine aspect Sinister; a Planet in Aries beholding another in Sagittary is a trine Dexter; the Dexter is not so good as the Sinister.
Here I may also give you some other reasons why one aspect is better then another (which I had almost forgot) which is in respect of the Luminaries; for as the Sun is Fons vitae, the fountain of life; so is the Moon of main power and efficacy by her forcible influence on inferiour bodies, bringing the light and influence of all the other Planets to us. I say in respect of them are the aspects termed good or evil: for Saturns houses behold the houses of the Luminaries with an opposition, which is the worst of Aspects by reason he is the worst of Planets:
In like manner a trine aspect is the most fortunate and best, for that the houses of the best and most temperate Planet Jupiter, beholdeth the houses of the Luminaries with a Trine aspect, even as Capricorn is opposite to Cancer, and Aquaries to Leo; so is Pisces in Trine to Cancer, and Sagittary to Leo: and so is a Quartile the lesser malevolent aspect, for that the houses of the lesser fortune, viz. Mars, behold the houses of the Luminaries with a Quartile, viz., Aries is in Quartile to Cancer, and Scorpio to Leo; neither is this aspect so bad as is an Opposition, for that Scorpio one of his houses is in Trine to Cancer the house of Luna: Likewise a Sextile being from the houses of the lesser Fortune Venus, is of less force then a Trine, &c. and so much for the aspects of the Planets and Signs.


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