Horary Astrology
Christopher Warnock, Esq.
Volleyball Team Horary Example

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This is the horary question and chart, actual analysis with identifying details removed and results.

Question: Will my daughter be accepted on the volleyball teacm?
Time Question Received & Understood: 5:44 pm CDT August 2, 2017
Place Question Received & Understood: Iowa City, IA

Chart produced by Solar Fire

The meaning of the astrological factors are fully explained in the analysis below.

Astrological Factors Considered:

Ithis chart 28 Sagittarius rises and it is Saturn hour. As Saturn is the mixed ruler of fire signs the chart is radical or rooted which means it has internal signs of accuracy. As Sagittarius rises you are signified by Jupiter who is dignified by term in the 9th house. The Moon is weakly dignified by face in the 12th house. Your daughter is signified by Venus ruler of the 5th house who is nicely dignified by triplicity and face in the 7th house. The volleyball team is signified by Mercury ruler of the turned 5th/radix 9th who is highly dignified by sign and exaltation in the 8th house. The Moon separates from a square of Mercury significator of the volleyball team and sextiles Jupiter your significator then conjoins Saturn. Mercury sextiles Venus your daughter's significator.

Your significator Jupiter has some dignity so you have some positive strength in this situation. Jupiter is in the turned 5th/9th of volleyball. The Moon has some dignity but is in the 12th house of secrecy, secret enemies and stress. Your daughter is signified by Venus ruler of the 5th house who is well dignified by exaltation and face. This indicates that she is qualified and able to be on the volleyball team. Volleyball is signified by Mercury ruler of your daughter's turned 5th/radix 9th house. Mercury is highly dignified by sign and exaltation an indication that volleyball is a good team and is favorable to your daughter. Mercury is stronger than your significator or your daughter's which fits because the team makes the choice.
The Moon separates from Mercury significator of volleyball which is negative and could indicate your daughter trying out unsuccessfully before. The Moon sextiles Jupiter your significator which is positive but then conjoins afflicted Saturn which could show delays and obstacles, also secrets, secret enemies and stress as Saturn is in the 12th. Mercury significator of volleyball sextiles Venus your daughter's significator, a positive indication.
We have your daughter's and volleyball's significators well dignified and applying to a positive aspect, these are nice positive indications that she will tryout and get on the team. There are some indications of stress, secrecy and secret enemies also delays, but overall the chart is pretty positive.


The client first contacted and indicated that his daughter did not make the team. He then called again and said that there had been a mixup with another potential team member with the same name. Eventually the mixup was cleared up and his daughter made the team!

Here is more information on Horary Astrology and how to ask your own horary question.
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Specializing in Horary Astrology, Electional Astrology Astrological Magic and Astrological Talismans.

Copyright 2017, Christopher Warnock, All Rights Reserved.