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The Planets in Renaissance Astrology
Christopher Warnock, Esq.
The Nature of the Moon
in Renaissance Astrology

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Of the Moon and her signification
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the Moon

Of the Moon, her signification, nature and property

from William Lilly's Christian Astrology
(1st ed. 1647, reprinted 1985 Regulus).

Of the MOON, and her Signification.
Triplicity, Terms & Face
Nature & Elements
Manners & Actions
When ill dignified.
Quality of Men
Colours & Savours
Hearbs & Plants
Beasts & Birds
Minerals & Stones
Nodes of the Moon
Dragon's Head & Tail

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Of the MOON, her generall and particular Significations.

NAMEThe Moon we find called by the Ancients, Lucina, Cynthia, Diana, Phoebe, Latona, Noctiluca, Prosperpina; she is neerest to the Earth of all the Planets; her colour in the Element is vulgarly known:


MOTION. She finisheth her courte through the whole twelve Signs in 27 days, 7 hours and 43 min. or thereabouts: her mean motion is 13 degr. 10 min. and 36 seconds, but she moveth sometimes lesse and sometimes more, never exceeding 15 degr. and two min. in 24 hours space.

Latitude Her greatest North Latitude is 5 degr. and 17 min.(or thereabouts) Her greatest South Latitude is 5 degr. and 12 min. (or thereabouts) She is never Retrograde, but always direct; when she is slow in motion, and goeth lesse in 24 hours then 13 degr. and 10 min. she is then equivalent to a Retrograde Planet.


House She hath the Sign Cancer for her house, and Capricorn for her detriment; she is exalted in 3. Taurus, and hath her fal in 3 grad. Scorpio; she governeth the Earthly Triplicity by night, viz. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

Triplicity, Terms and Face [Note Lilly uses a different set of triplicity rulerships than I do] The Sun and she have no Terms assigned them.

In the twelve Signs she hath these degrees for her Decanate or Face.

In TAURUS, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In CANCER, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.

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In LIBRA, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
In SAGITTARIUS, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In AQUARIUS, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.

Nature She is Feminine, Nocturnal Planet, Cold, Moyst and Flegmatique.

Manners & Actions, when well dignified. She signifieth one of composed Manners, a soft, tender creature, a Lover of all honest and ingenuous Sciences, a Searcher of, and Delighter in Novelties, naturally propense to frit and shift his Habitation, unstedfast, wholly caring for the present Times, Timorous, Prodigal, and easily Frighted, however loving Peace, and to live free from the cares of this Life, if a Mechannick, the man learnes many Occupations, and frequently wil be tampering with many wayes to trade in.


When ill dignified. A meer Vagabond, idleperson, hating Labour, a Drunkard, a Sot, one of no Spirit or Forecast, delighting to live beggarly and carefly, one content in no condition of Life, either good or il.

Corporature She generally presenteth a man of fair stature, whitely coloured, the Face round, gray Eyes, and a little Touring; much Hair both on the Head, Face, and other parts; usually one Eye a little larger then the other; short Hands and fleshy, the whole Body inclining to be fleshy, plump, corpulent and flegmatique: if she be impedited of the Sun in a Nativity or Question, she usually signifies some blemish in, or neer the Eye: a blemish neer the Eye, if she be impedited in Succedant Houses; in the Sight, if she be unfortunate in Angles and with fixed Starres, called Nebulose.

Quality of Men and Profession. She signifieth Queens, Countesses, Ladies, all manner of Women; as also the common People, Travellers, Pilgrims, Sailors, Fishermen, Fish-mongers, Brewers, Tapsters, Vintners, Letter-carriers, Coach-men, Hunts-men, Messengers, (some say the Popes Legates) Marriners, Millers, Ale-wives, Malstors, Drunkards, Oister-wives, Fisher-women, Chare-women, Tripe-women, and generally such Women as carry Commodities in the Streets; as also, Midwives, Nurses, &c, Hackney-men, Water-men, Water-bearers.

SICKNESSES. Apoplexies, Palsie, the Chollick, the Belly-ache,

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Disease in the Left Side, Stones, the Bladder and members of Generation, the Men-stries and Liver; in Women Dropsies, Fluxes of Belly, all cold Rheumatick Diseases, cold Stomack, the Gout in the Rists and Feet, Sciatica, Chollick, Worms in Children and men, Rheumes or Hutts in the Eyes, viz. in the Left of Men, and Right of Women: Sursets, rotten Coughs, Convultion fits, the Falling sicknesse, Kings-evil, Apostems, smal Pox and Measels.


COLOUR & SAVOURS. Of Colours the White, or pale Yellowish White, pale Green, or a little of the Silver-colour. Of Saviours, the Fresh, or without any flavour, such as is in Hearbs before they be ripe, or such as doe moysten the Brain, &C.

HEARBS & PLANTS Those Hearbs which are subject to the Moon have soft and thick juicy leaves, of a waterish or a little sweetish taste, they love to grow in watry places, and grow quickly into a juicy magnitude; and are. The Colwort, Cabbage, , Melon, Gourd, Pompion, Onion, Mandrake, Poppy, Lettice, Rape, the Linden-tree, Mushroomes, Endine, all Trees or Hearbs who have round, shady, great spreading Leaves, and are little Fruitful.

BEASTS & BIRDS All such Beasts, or the like, as live in the water; as Frogs, the Otter, Snailes, &c. the Weasel, the Cunny, all Sea Fowls, Coockoe, Geese and Duck, the Night-Owle.

FISHES The Oyster and Cockle, all She-fish, the Crab and Lobster, Tortoise, Eeles.

PLACES. Fields, Fountains, Baths, Havens of the Sea, Highwayes and Desertplaces, Port Towns, Rivers, Fish-ponds, standing Pools, Boggy places, Common-shoars, little Brooks, Springs.


METALS Silver.

STONES. The Selenite, all soft Stons, Cristals.

WEATHER. With Saturn cold Ayre; with Jupiter Serene; with Mars Winds red Clouds; with the Sun according to the Season; with Venus and Mercury Showres and Winds.

WIND In Hermetical operation, she delighteth towards the North, and usually when she is the strongest Planet in the Scheam, viz. in any Lunation, she stirs up Wind, according to the nature of the Planet she next applies unto.

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ORBE. Is 12. degrees before and after any Aspect.

YEERS. Her greatest yeers are 321. greater 108. mean 66, least 25. in conceptions she ruleth the seventh moneth.


COUNTRIES. Holland, Zealand, Denmarke, Norimberge, Flanders.

ANGEL. Gabriel.

DAY OF THE WEEK Her day is Monday the first hour and the eight, after the rise of the Sun.

The Nodes of the Moon [Note: the North Node of the Moon is known as the Caput Draconis, the Head of the Dragon and the South Node as the Cauda Draconis, the Tail of the Dragon. The Nodes are the points where the orbit of the Moon intersects the Ecliptic, the orbit of the Sun.]

The Head of the Dragon is Masculine, of the nature of Jupiter and Venus, and of himself a Fortune; yet the Ancients doe say, that being in Conjunction with the good he is good, and in conjunction with the evil Planets they account him evil.

Image of the Nodes
The Tayle of the Dragon is Feminine by Nature, and clean contrary to the Head; for he is evil when joyned with good Planets, and good when in conjunction with the malignant Planets. This is the constant opinion of all the Ancients, but upon what reason grounded I know not; I ever found the North Node equivalent to either of the Fortunes, and when joyned with the evil Planets to lessen their malevolent signification; when joyned with the good to increase the good promised by them:

For the Tayle of the Dragon, I always in my practise found when he was joyned with the evil Planets; their malice or the evil intended thereby was doubled and trebled, or extreamly augmented, &c. and when he chanced to be conjunction with any of the Fortunes who were significators in the question, though the matter by the principal significator was fairely promised, and likely to be perfected in a smal time; yet did there ever fal out many rubs and disturbances, much wrangling and great controversie, that the businesse was many times given over for desperate ere a perfect conclusion could be had; and unlesse the principal significators were Angular and wel fortified with essential dignities, many times unexpectedly the whole matter came to nothing.


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