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#18 - October 2017 - Which Spirits are We Reaching? & 16th Mansion Talismans

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Which Spirits are We Reaching?
16th Mansion Talismans

Which Spirits are We Reaching?


Inner Circle Marginalia
So let me tell two stories, one from earlier this week and one from close to 15 years ago. Earlier this week I got an e-mail from someone out of the blue who said that they had decided to just take an image off of my website and use it to make a talisman. This was one of Nigel's images of a bird headed woman. For whatever reason they decided to alter the image including erasing the magical alphabets. It sounded to me like they did the election correctly and they reported that they started to attract all sorts of women. However, recently they had had repeated dreams that the bird headed woman spirit was trying to have sex with them. Could I help them? They liked the babe magnet side, but not the dream sex with the spirit. What should they do to get the sex without the spirit hassling them? I said all I could advise is to leave it alone.
Ok, lots and lots not like about this. Now I suppose you can just take images off of the site, but one of the advantages of being a student or client is that you are showing a willingness to align to me and in return get a certain amount of protection in at least in terms of riding in my wake.
One of the key problems here is the alteration of the image. Now Nigel in particular, though this is also true of Robert Place, my other key artist, is very much attuned to the Alam-al-Mithal, the World of Images and is a mage himself. Robert is also a Hermetic adept. Both Nigel and Robert are also very right hand path, very positive in their esoteric approaches, very spiritually attuned. They are also very connected to the Western esoteric tradition. So when we use their images we are getting a very clear mirror and very pure connection to the higher, archangelic celestial spirits. Certainly all of my focus is on these purer, more spiritual manifestations of the celestial spirits.
Then along comes someone who deigns to be a student or even client, but simply takes the image from my website. He then alters the image and his motivation is to have sex with women using it. Is it any surprise that a distorted image is a distorted mirror into a sphere that is not of an archangelic spirit? His motivation is also problematic. I am suddenly reminded of the conjuration of Ged in the fictional Wizard of Earthsea where the pride and arrogance of the mage allows a shadow spirit to emerge.
Here is the older story. When I was in Washington, DC I was in contact with a Goetic magician. He found the Mansions of the Moon very interesting and did an invocation of a Mansion spirit at the appropriate time, but with the full Goetic ritual with a protective circle for him, imprisoning circle for the spirit, abjurations, bindings with Divine names, etc. A spirit showed up, made a deal for rum and tobacco for specific effects then didn't follow through. The Goetic magician decided that Mansions spirits were useless. My sense was that being so attuned to the Goetic spirits and using that ritual and making a deal for rum and tobacco that he had ended up with a Goetic Mansion spirit or other imposter, not the archangelic Mansion lords and ladies I was used to dealing with.
I have always found it a bit amusing that moderns appear to believe that they are speaking directly with God, the ultimate power of the Universe in person. Very flattering to the ego, but also in line with the bizarre modern concept that there is only one spiritual being to interact with at all, i.e. God, but no intermediate spirits, no demons, no angels, etc. Traditional Christians and modern Catholics more realistically communicate with God through intermediaries like angels or saints. The Neo-platonic and Hermetic views were that there was always an infinite number of intermediaries between any two principles, partaking of the qualities of both.
The Renaissance occult philosopher Marsilio Ficino says,

"I have said elsewhere that down from every single star (so to speak Platonically) there hangs its own series of things down to the lowest...Under the celestial Serpent or the entire constellation of the Serpent-bearer, they place Saturn and sometimes Jupiter, afterwards daemons who often take on serpent's form, in addition men of this kind, serpents (the animals), the snake-weed, the stone draconite which originates in the head of a dragon, and the stone commonly called serpentine...By a similar system they think a chain of beings descends by levels from any star of the firmament through any planet under its dominion. If, therefore, as I said, you combine at the right time all the Solar things through any level of that order, i.e., men of Solar nature or something belonging to such a man, likewise animals, plants, metals, gems and whatever pertains to these, you will drink in unconditionally the power of the Sun and to some extent the natural powers of the Solar daemons."

Ficino, Three Books on Life, Bk. III, Chap. 14, p. 311. Note that Ficino refers to daemons rather than demons, indicating the use of spirits that are potentially good or at least neutral, rather than necessarily evil.
The implications are quite interesting. I get the impression that modern esotericists think that there is just one Jupiter spirit, who incidentally is just waiting around to come when I call and make me rich, in fact that's his raison d'etre. In fact, there is an infinite number of spirits and souls falling under the classification of Jupiter. My focus is on the highest archangelic celestial spirits. This means that these spirits cannot be commanded by me because they far exceed me in power, after they are the souls and movers of the planets! My soul is just of this rather small and weak body.
They are positive spirits, who, if we respectfully approach them will bestow appropriate effects on us. We can ask for specific effects, but these spirits are going to give us what they know, in their great wisdom we need, in their own time and in their own way. I've seen this approach attacked as a cop-out and excuse for failure, perhaps it is, but I'm not on board with the attitude that all you need to do is kick the spirits' #$$%& till they get in line and get you what you want. This is a bit like the alcoholic whose resents someone not immediately offering up his fix. Are we willing to learn? Are we willing to be other than what we are? Just being in the presence of the archangelic celestial spirits is highly beneficial. By showing respect and regular invocation we can build up our relationship with them and align our inner celestial spirits to "vibration" of the external spirits, raising ourselves to their spheres.
Or you can ignore their suggestions and insist on having your way, order the spirits around like Frank Sinatra at the Sands or try to make deals. Add to that a deliberately distorted image and it is no surprise that someone other than the most altruistic of spirits shows up. What you ask for and what you present is mirrored back to you. The problem is not really out there is it? It's not just As Above, so Below, but also as outside, so inside.

16th Mansion Talisman


Inner Circle Marginalia
16th Mansion talisman

NEW! 16th MANSION TALISMANS! Check these out at 16th Mansion talisman To access these links use your esoteric student username and password or

username: 2017access
password: regulus313
This is the VERY FIRST TIME!!! we have ever had 16th Mansion talismans, very exciting! These are wealth talismans, specifically for earning money.
There are JUST THREE!!! discounted 16th Mansion talismans These are $25 off, just $224.95 plus shipping. Offer ends October 17, 2017 or when all three sell. We have plenty left at the regular price. at 16th Mansion talisman.
Check out the all the Renaissance Astrology currently available talismans or currently available pentacles or currently available magic mirrors. To access these links use your esoteric student username and password or

username: 2017access
password: regulus313
Renaissance Astrology talismans are the product of almost twenty years of research and practical application of traditional philosophy, astrology and astrological magic. Actually making the talismans at a properly elected time, one that may not recur for years, or may never recur again, is incredible difficult, but the only way to make authentic traditional astrological talismans. Buying talismans not only allows you access to the amazing spiritual influences of the celestial spirits, but helps support the work of Renaissance Astrology in bringing these arcana to contemporary esoteric seekers.


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Specializing in Horary Astrology, Electional Astrology Astrological Magic and Astrological Talismans.

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